Monday, December 16, 2013

Test Kitchen | Noé José Cupcakes


I eat a lot of sweet corn muffins. It's my lazy-broad dessert because I usually have eggs, milk, a can of corn, and Jiffy mix. Lately, I've been thinking they'd be great with a little bit a Mexican chocolate frosting. (I also drink a lot of Abuelita hot chocolate - the source of my inspiration.) I bought some boxed whipping cream from Trader Joe's I wanted to test out and thought it was the perfect time to try to make these cupcakes. I googled 'holy molé cupcakes' just to prove to myself how creative I am, but some guys in Chicago already beat me to the Mexican cupcake punch. I'll call my version Noé José cupcakes for copyright infringement purposes, although I did independently develop the same tasty idea.