Sunday, March 30, 2014

Test Kitchen | Bruschetta Pasta with Balsamic Spinach

I had some stuff in the fridge I needed to use from a week of Italian groceries -- cooked pasta, basil, mozzarella, etc. I really wanted to just gobble down pasta and cheese, but more reasonable brain cells prevailed, and decided it'd be best to add some vegetables to the mix. I was also tired from work, and didn't feel like taking lots of time or making loads of dishes. So, I did this all in one pot. I impressed myself with the yumminess-to-laziness ratio on this one.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Recipe | Caldo de Res

Caldo de res (beef stew) is my all-time favorite Guatemalan dish -- even over pollo frito, tapado, and pepian. I love anything I can fill with hot sauce and caldo does not disappoint. I make a nice, fresh salsa picante from onion, cilantro, lime and roasted serrano chiles that goes great. You can also top with a little sliced avocado if you're feeling rich.