Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Booze | Crispin Cider

I had Crispin for the first time in Chicago. I was in love. I'm a serious cider drinker and Crispin hits the spot. It's a lot less sweet than any Woodchuck. It's similar to Strongbow, but slightly more refreshing. After having it in Chicago, I went on the hunt here in Indy. It's actually kind of funny because the guy at one store asked if it was a "hard" cider. I had no idea what he was talking about. Oddly, I hate apple juice. (It's a long story involving me repeatedly watching Footloose as a child.) So, I don't drink "soft" cider and didn't realize not all ciders are alcoholic. You learn something new everyday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Recipe | Riso Parmesan with Mushrooms

The original recipe called for shaved truffles. I decided I don't want to break the bank over dinner, so I make mushroom chips instead. I looks a little like white rice in the picture, but I use riso pasta and it's a very flavorful recipe.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Restaurant Review | Pita Bar and Grill

Restaurant | Pita Bar and Grill
Location | 519 N Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 

This place has a delicious falafel sandwich! Many times in LA, I found falafel sandwiches served with cold, soggy falafel, iceberg lettuce, a little hummus and a stale piece of pita bread. For me, its about all the unique ingredients that go into this sandwich, that make is so good. I've had a difficult time finding anything close to that sandwich until I came across Pita Bar and Grill. The falafel in the sandwich is served hot and crunchy, with creamy hummus, pickled veggies, on a thicker than average pita bread. SO GOOD!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Product Review | Oscar Mayer Real Bacon Bits

I was pleasantly surprised with these bacon bits! My first thoughts were, How can meat sit out like that? Bad idea! I'm glad I tried them because they're pretty tasty. It says on the packaging to refrigerate after opening and best if used 14 days after opening. I've kept them long past 14 days and they taste fine. Although, I'll keep food until it gets up and walks away. It also says it it "may" contain potassium chloride and maple flavoring. I don't know what Oscar Mayer is implying by the statement. Neither is listed in the ingredients, which are only chemically-cured bacon and hickory smoked flavor. If you're not shy, try them. It's a lot easier than buying a slab of bacon, popping grease everywhere, and having the rest of the pack turn into slim a week later when you forget you have it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Marketplace | Saraga International Grocery

Location | 3605 Commercial Drive  Indianapolis, IN

This place is the Disney World of international food. I don't even think there's anything remotely like this in LA. I think it's because LA has a lots of different neighborhoods and people are pretty isolated in their respective ethnic villages - Chinatown, Little Armenia, Thai Town, Little Tokyo, Little Ethiopia. I feel like if someone could get some square footage in DC, where people are forced to live amongst each other, this place would make a killing. It has most everything you can imagine from anywhere on earth (with the exception of passion fruit concentrate). I can get Ting by the case here, so I'll always be loyal.